iron sky en chinois
- 钢铁苍穹
- iron: 伊龙...
- sky: 天空...
- iron sky 2: 钢铁苍穹2:即临种族...
- hearts of iron: 钢铁雄心...
- iron bridge: 铁桥...
- iron chef: 铁人料理...
- iron maiden: 铁女架...
- iron man: 钢铁侠...
- iron monger: 铁霸王...
- iron sheik: 钢铁酋长...
- iron springs: 铁泉...
- dinner in the sky: 空中餐厅...
- explosions in the sky: 天空爆炸...
- eye in the sky: 天眼行动...
- no man's sky: 无人深空...